Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lazy Days of Summer

Today was a good day.  It was hot and sunny....a perfect day for the outdoors.  Anders and I revisited the park we went to on Monday with Meghan in Davis Square.  Later in the afternoon we walked to a new (to us) park near the cemetery and met up with Leah and Caleb- Anders friend who she was babysitting for the afternoon. 

Instead of going home, for the FIRST TIME, I walked with Leah back to her house.  When I left her porch I timed my walk home...

17 minutes door to door. 
Why aren't I walking more?  Why do I rely on my car when I have feet?   I complain about my weight but then I drive places i could easily walk to.  Lazy? Convenience? Poor planning?  No my is all of the above.  I'm lazy- and the car is a lazy mans best friend.   I also like to waste my time until the last minute.  Instead of being at someones house at 9am sharp....I take that to mean leave my HOUSE at 9am.  So, what do you think, poor planner?  How could I leave at 9am if I'm walking?  I'd be late to the tune of embarrassing.  

I smell another challenge coming on....

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