Monday, November 19, 2012

Natural Cleaning.

I was a bit nervous about how my husband would react to my exclamation, "I'm cleaning the dishwasher!"  I mean, doesn't the dishwasher clean itself when it runs?  Not according to Pintrest and not according to these pictures...take a look.      Oh relax, that black gunk is just bacteria infested Ovaltine. 


Clearly I needed to step in and wash what the washer couldn't wash.  I turned to Pintrest for a solution.   One of the pins said to arm yourself with warm soapy water, a toothbrush and a cup of vinegar. Easy.  I cleaned the dishwasher as best I could by hand, set it to extra hot and ran it empty with only a cup of vinegar on the top rack.  The vinegar is supposed to disperse and clean the rest of the machine.  Mission accomplished.

I figured I should do a few more things from my Fresh and Clean board just to kick off the week.  I threw baking soda in my toilette bowl and let it soak there for a while before brushing it away.  And may not have a picture of my t- bowl.  I also took my already made spray bottle of vinegar & water and added a dash of dish detergent, lime essential oil and olive oil to make a homemade who-knows-what to clean my cabinets and wood floors.

Check out my clean dishwasher!  And why was I nervous about Luke's reaction?  Because he loads it like a serious game of Tetris and actually cares too much if it is not completely full. Running it with just one cup made him a bit dizzy but he supports my pintrest mission (I think he thinks he'll be fed better when all is said and done.)

Here is what I learned:
-I liked cleaning my T.Bowl with baking soda and probably will continue to do so.
-I rather clean with plain vinegar and water as I kept wondering if the dish detergent would create some sort of scum.
-As I cleaned, I thought of the term 'scum bag' and wondered who came  up with that awful phrase.    

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